Understanding Invoice Discounting and How It Works
What is Invoice Discounting? In contrast to bill discounting, invoice discounting allows businesses to keep control of their sales ledger and accept payments from customers in exchange for short-term funding from financial institutions. The Process of Invoice Discounting: Issuing Invoices: After providing clients with goods or services, the company issues invoices with terms for payment that are typically between thirty and ninety days. Choosing Which Invoices to Discount: The company decides which invoices to reduce. These are usually bills that are sent to reliable clients that have a stable payment history. Sending Invoices to the Financier: The selected invoices are sent to an outside financier, which is frequently a bank or an expert in invoice discounting. Funds Advanced by Financier: After assessing the bills, the financier advances a portion of their overall value, often between 70% and 90%. This advance gives the company instant financial flow. Client Pays the Invoice: By...